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18. 4. 2024

Švicarski black metal dvojec Ernte bo 7. junija pri Vendetta Records izdal nov album Weltenzerstörer. Album bo zajemal te skladbe:

The Witch (Was Born in Flames)
Ruler of Chaos, Bringer of Storm
Silent and Bleak
Trip to a Solitary Moon
Vessels of Sacrifice
The Fire Lake: Death of Souls
Profound Eyes

Pred izidom albuma že lahko prisluhnete oziroma si ogledate video za komad Ruler of Chaos, Bringer of Storm.

21. 3. 2024

Škotski black metalci Aristarchos bodo 5. aprila izdali album Martyr of Star and Fire. Izšel bo pri založbi Vendetta Records in bo zajemal te komade:

Atrium – Martyr of Star and Fire
Orb – Shadow Memories of the Enlived Amid the Deathless Aether
Oath – Dispersal of the Spectral Awning in Perpetual Flame
Adornment – Endless Syzygies of the Constant Immaterial

17. 1. 2024

Nemška zasedba Paradox se vrača z napovedjo novega albuma Mysterium. Album naj bi izšel še letos pri založbi AFM Records, točen datum izida pa še ni znan. Spodaj pa si lahko preberete izjavo Charlyja Steinhauerja:

»Friends and fans,
I had a dream. I wanted to start together with AXEL BLAHA, with whom I founded PARADOX in 1981, and end together again at some point. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible because he has said goodbye to this world.
In all these years, AXEL was the only musician who worked with me the way you have to, to achieve a goal. We never danced around at multiple weddings and were always loyal to one band. PARADOX! This was the only way the two classics “PRODUCT OF IMAGINATION” and “HERESY” were possible.
I miss him very much and it is very difficult for me to move on without him, but anyone who knows me knows that giving up is not an option for me.
Not even after 43 years and that's why I can tell you, that I have composed a new PARADOX album, which will hopefully be released worldwide this year via AFM RECORDS. The album will be called “MYSTERIUM” and will contain all the trademarks a Paradox fan wants.
The special thing about “MYSTERIUM” is that I composed all the songs and played all the instruments myself, because I will never again work with project-hungry musician whores who play a few notes on an album but otherwise have nothing to do with PARADOX, or none maintain contact with his colleagues. Unfortunately, this runs like a common thread through the entire career and is the main reason why PARADOX was never able to really get off the ground. To do this you need musicians who work together and pursue a common goal.
It should also be a warning to all young musicians and new bands who want to achieve something with their band. You can find out more about this in the numerous interviews for the new album. You should definitely read this!
I will also be responsible for the mix and the entire production.
The lyrics are written by ACHIM “DAXX” HOEMERLEIN (ex-Vendetta), who also wrote the lyrics for “TALES OF THE WEIRD” and “PANGEA”.
TRAVIS SMITH (Opeth/Nevermore etc) is currently working on the artwork.
“MYSTERIUM” is a very heavy album and contains 10 songs with a playing time of 51 minutes. Dedicated to AXEL BLAHA, my best friend and co-founder of PARADOX!

25. 10. 2023

Danska black metal zasedba Solbrud je razkrila single z naslovom Tåge. Za komad je band posnel tudi video, za naslednje leto pa napoveduje izid albuma IIII, ki bo luč sveta ugledal 2. februarja pri Vendetta Records.

24. 10. 2023

Norveški black metal dvojec Ild je posnel videospot za komad Den sorte kunst, ki je del prihajajočega drugega albuma Kvern. Ta izide 3. novembra pri Vendetta Records in vsega skupaj prinaša šest komadov:

Den sorte kunst
Til gjeste
Opp i røyk
Det trekker så kaldt
Og nå skal du dø
Over flammehavet

4. 9. 2023

Ameriški atmosferični black metal band Białywilk je konec prejšnjega tedna pri Vendetta Records izdal svoj drugi studijski album Zmora, ki mu lahko prisluhnete spodaj.

17. 4. 2023

Ameriški tehnični death metalci Nightmarer so razkrili Brutalist Imperator, uvodni komad s prihajajočega albuma Deformity Adrift, ki bo ugledal luč sveta 5. maja pri Total Dissonance Worship (ZDA) in Vendetta Records (EU).

16. 2. 2023

Danska black metal zasedba Afsky napoveduje izid najnovejšega dolgometražca, ki bo nosil naslov Om hundrede år. Album bo izšel 15. marca pri založbi Vendetta Records, pred samim izidom albuma pa lahko prisluhnete prvemu singlu Stormfulde hav.

14. 2. 2023

Danski black metal duo Kold napoveduje debitantski album, imenovan Intet Mere Er, ki bo 3. marca izšel pri nemški založbi Vendetta Records, in sicer na kaseti, vinilu in CD-ju. Band preko portala No Clean Singing premierno ponuja v posluh pesem Vinden, Den Kalder Dit Navn.

10. 2. 2023

Ameriški tehnični death metalci Nightmarer bodo 5. maja pri Total Dissonance Worship (ZDA) in Vendetta Records (EU) na CD-ju, vinilu, kaseti in digitalno izdali svoj drugi album, ki bo nosil naslov Deformity Adrift. Ta bo nasledil prvenec Cacophony of Terror iz leta 2018. Seznam pesmi:

Brutalist Imperator
Baptismal Tomb
Throe Of Illicit Withdrawal
Suffering Beyond Death
Hammer Of Desolation
Obliterated Shrine

7. 2. 2023

Irski enočlanski black metal band Scáth na Déithe je v petek pri Vendetta Records izdal svoj tretji studijski album Virulent Providence. Tega sestavljata dva komada, ki ju lahko v celoti preverite spodaj.

15. 11. 2022

Danski enočlanski black metal band Udånde po objavi prvega singla and Denied All Sense and Reason s prihajajočega albuma Slow Death – A Celebration of Self-Hatred je zdaj objavil še drugi video za komad z naslovom I’m Not a Pessimist, I’m a Realist. Album naj bi izšel 2. decembra pri Vendetta Records.

18. 10. 2022

Danski enočlanski black metal band Udånde predstavlja besedilni video za single and Denied All Sense and Reason s prihajajočega albuma Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Hatred, ki bo izšel 2. decembra pri Vendetta Records in prinaša naslednje komade:

I’m Not a Pessimist, I’m a Realist
Who Got Diagnosed Years Later
and Denied All Sense and Reason
I Mean, Who am I to Blackout?
We Should Welcome the Suffering,
Remember Not to Praise the False King
and Try to Keep Calm and Embrace*
The Void*

24. 6. 2022

Danski black metalci Afsky izdajajo akustični EP z naslovom I Stilhed. EP bo zajemal nov material in tudi starejše skladbe v posebni akustični preobleki. Naročite ga lahko preko bandove Bandcamp strani ali pri založbi Vendetta Records.

18. 5. 2022

Italijanski thrasherji Violenator tik pred izidom vsem oboževalcem v posluh ponujajo najnovejši dolgometražec Manifesto Di Odio. Album naj bi izšel ta petek, 20. maja, pri založbi Time To Kill Records, pred izidom pa mu lahko prisluhnete tukaj. Spodaj si lahko ogledate video za komad Manifesto Di Odio, sam album pa bo zajemal naslednje skladbe:

Manifesto Di Odio
La Paura Uccide
Facciamo La Guerra
Vendetta Privata
Ballad of the Free Spirits
Senza Limite
Siete Tutti Morti
Tieni D’Occhio La Tua Strada
Il Fondo

29. 4. 2024
Wizard Master, Chains
Channel Zero, Metelkova, Ljubljana
30. 4. 2024
The Ossuary, Motorowl, Wizard Master, Chains
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
2. 5. 2024
Sedem Minut Strachu, Usnu?, Urethra
Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana
3. 5. 2024
Heavy Psych Sounds Fest Italy 2024
Teatro Miela, Trst, Italija
3. 5. 2024
Keep of Kalessin, Hate, Kamra
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
3. 5. 2024
Negative Slug, Her Highness, Béton Brut
Dva Osam, Zagreb, Hrvaška