31. 5. 2024

Več kot leto dni so Švicarji Eluveitie potrebovali, da so našli zamenjavo za violinistko Nicole Ansperger, ki je band lani zapustila zaradi osebnih razlogov. Iskanja torej ni več, saj je nova violinistka postala Lea-Sophie Fischer.

»Hey everybody – we’re excited to finally lift the curtain! Ever since Nicole Ansperger decided to step short and leave Eluveitie for personal reasons and to shift her focus, more than a year ago, it obviously wasn't an easy task to find somebody to fill that gap.

And so we are really happy and thankful to finally announce Lea-Sophie Fischer as Eluveitie's new violinist! Please welcome her to the Elu family! Some of us have been friends with Sophie for many years already and over time our musical paths crossed quite a few times. After Nicole's departure Sophie helped us out on the stages of the festivals and open airs. And of course we were as glad as we were proud to get support from such an incredible musician. While we grew together as a group, things became very clear and the time's just the right one to join forces for good!«

24. 5. 2024

Tehnični death metalci Replacire iz Bostona predstavljajo komad The Helix Unravels kot tretji single s tretjega albuma The Center that Cannot Hold, ki ga bodo izdali 21. junija pri založbi Season of Mist. Tracklista:

Bloody-Tongued and Screaming
The Center that Cannot Hold
Living Hell
A Fine Manipulation
The Helix Unravels
Drag Yourself Along the Earth
Inglorious Impunity
The Ghost in the Mirror
Hoard the Trauma Like Wealth
Transfixed on the Work
Uncontrolled and Unfulfilled

21. 5. 2024

Boris Behara je hrvaški glasbenik, ki stoji za projektom Tryglav, s katerim je lansko leto izdal že drugi album The Ritual. Pred kratkim pa je Boris razkril novico, da je skupaj z bobnarjem Shannonom Lucasom (ex-The Black Dahlia Murder) ustanovil black metal zasedbo Wolven Spirits. Fanta sta k sodelovanju povabila še Adama Clemansa na vokalu (Skeletonwitch), Noaha Martina na baskitari (Arsis) ter klaviaturista Travisa Nordahla. Kako je prišlo do sodelovanja in kakšni so načrti banda, pa si lahko ogledate v spodnjem videu.

3. 5. 2024

Domači melodični thrasherji Uporabniki bodo poleg velikih Jungle Rot nastopili na Pannonian Rock Festival Warm Upu, ki se bo zgodilo 23. julija v zagrebškem klubu Hard Place. Na ogrevanju za Pannonian Rock Festival 2024 bodo nastopili še power metalci Sage iz Zagreba.

30. 4. 2024

Hrvaški Manntra so tretji najavljeni headliner hrvaškega festivala Pannonian Rock Festival 2024. Poleg Hrvatov so bili najavljeni še:

Funeral (Norveška)
W.E.B. (Grčija)
Drama Noir (Grčija)
Murdery (Španija)

Tridnevni festival se bo odvijal od 15. do 17. avgusta. Vstopnice so na voljo, zanje boste do 10. maja ali do razprodaje 150 »early bird« vstopnic odšteli 74 EUR.

29. 4. 2024

Ameriški melodično-progresivni thrasherji Announce the Apocalypse so podpisali za založbo Sliptrick Records, ki bo pomagala pri promociji njihovega aktualnega albuma Experience Machine.

26. 4. 2024

Disonantna/ekstremna pank zasedba Slugpit iz Ljubljane bo 15. maja izdala debitantski EP Mentally Unengaged, za katerega je produkcijo, miks in mastering opravil Anže Čanžek, naslovnico EP-ja pa je naslikal Sant V. Schreiber. Bandov logo je oblikoval Chris Kiesling (Misanthropic-Art).

Band bo prvi komad razkril v sredo ob 23. uri v oddaji Desadovnjak na Radiu Študent. EP Mentally Unengaged prinaša komade:

Goat Obliteration Machine
Sonic Eradication
Machete Carnage
Phantasmal Fist
Sentient Gas

Avtorica fotografije: Ronja Matijevec Jerman

17. 4. 2024

Organizatorji dogodkov Hangtime Agency sporočajo, da je nedeljski koncert zasedb Grima in Ultar v zagrebškem klubu Močvara odpovedan. Odpovedana sta tudi koncerta v Beogradu in Novem Sadu ter tudi 40 drugih nastopov skupin po Evropi. Zapletlo se je namreč pri vizah. Izjava banda:

»Dear followers of the Grima cult, sometimes even the biggest and oldest spruce tree can't withstand (in)human acts. There is a point where we have to bow down and accept what cannot be changed.
After 4 months of non-stop efforts from everyone involved behind the scenes, the best we got is a 30 days stay in the Schengen area. We have applied for a 90 days arts science visa, which we have been granted in past years, but not this time, the reasons have not been communicated to us.
We did everything we could do, Asgaardian Events and even Les Acteurs de L'Ombre Productions helped us as much as possible, but all we got are these 30 days for now, which we shall use to the fullest.
Our first show will be on the April 25 in Switzerland and the last one will be on the May 22 in Paris. Any other show will be cancelled. There will be no further rescheduling. We will be happy to see each one of our cultists at these shows. We won't have any other Central European tours in the near future, except a few festivals next year, which we are already negotiating with.«

11. 4. 2024

Deathcorovci Chelsea Grin sporočajo, da je vrzel na bobnarskem stolčku zapolnil Josh Miller. Zasedba se je pred kratkim razšla z bobnarjem Pablom Viverosom in tako je nov polnopravni član zasedbe postal Josh. Izjava banda:

»We hope everyone has been doing well; we have some updates. We have parted ways with our fill-in drummer, Nathan Pearson. We sincerely value his friendship, as well as his devotion to furthering his craft and bringing his all to the stage. We truly look forward to watching his drumming career continue to blossom and advance, and value his time with us.

Furthermore, the band and Pablo have mutually agreed to separate. Pablo is one of our oldest friends, the life of the party, a masterful player, and a powerful creative. After Pablo spent some years away from the band, we all came together and realized that personal visions had diverged through time. We will always wish the very best for him, and seriously value all that he brought not only to the band, but to our lives. Nothing but tremendous love for him, always. We also encourage everyone to show support for him, Jaek and Alex’s new band, Ameonna.

Moving forward, we are proud and excited to announce that Josh Miller will be joining Chelsea Grin. It goes without saying that the future is bright – you will hear it in our music and witness it in our performances.

We keep very much to ourselves at this stage in our lives, but when we check in we want each of you to know that you are deeply and sincerely valued – we are so grateful for the opportunity to do what we love. We cannot wait to bring more of our vision to you all. Thank you for the years of support and love, and we will see you on our current tour supporting Fit For A King.«

5. 4. 2024

Pannox, progresivna thrash metal zasedba iz Novega Sada, predstavlja video Prometheus s prvenca The Night of Pan, ki je izšel 19. januarja. Za produkcijo videa je poskrbela produkcijska hiša Anima Mundi Productions.

28. 3. 2024

Sporočamo, da je umrl Dennis Cornelius, vokalist in kitarist doom metalcev Memory Driven. Naj počiva v miru. Izjava banda:

»It is with indescribable melancholy that words cannot express in which I make this announcement. Dennis Cornelius, our long time musical brother, in this band, and in life, has passed away. We cannot begin to process this immense loss, as we just send love and prayers to his family and loved ones. Thank you for so many years of such passionate and inspirational music. It has been such an honor to be a part of this journey with you. Thank you sooooo much for sharing that with us all, Dennis. You and Jyme are together again. We love you, Dennis, our brother.«

26. 2. 2024

Morrowphobia so nova grška alt metal zasedba, ki jo je ustanovil Michael »Makk« Giannopoulos (Moira's Touch). Kasneje so se Makku pridružili še Dimitris Koskinas na kitari in vokalu ter basist George Pagidas (oba Art Of Simplicity) in bobnar Paik Giannopoulos. Wistful Orison je prvi single te zasedbe s prihajajočega samonaslovljenega prvenca.

26. 2. 2024

Mlad hrvaški festival Pannonian Rock Festival 2024, ki se bo letos odvil v Katakombah v Osijeku, že ponuja možnost nakupa festivalskih vstopnic. Do 5. marca je na voljo 150 »super early bird« vstopnic, in sicer na tej povezavi.

In ne pozabimo, na letošnji ediciji bodo nastopili ljubljanski Noctiferia. Več informacij o festivalu najdete v našem Napovedniku.

22. 2. 2024

Francoski progresivni metalci Kozoria sporočajo, da so sklenili sodelovanje z založbo Black Lion Records. Izjava zasedbe:

»Kozoria is excited to announce a brand-new partnership with Black Lion Records for its debut album! We are eager to share our fresh prog music across the world! See you very soon…«

7. 2. 2024

Progresivni folk metalci Týr po petih letih prekinjajo studijsko molk in naznanjajo novico o novem albumu. Temu so nadeli naslov Battle Ballads, izšel pa bo 12. aprila pri Metal Blade Records. Tracklista:

Unwandered Ways
Dragons Never Die
Torkils døtur
Vælkomnir føroyingar
Battle Ballad
Causa Latronum Normannoru

31. 5. 2024
Kerry King - From Hell I Rise
30. 5. 2024
Steelfest Open Air 2024, 3. dan
29. 5. 2024
Steelfest Open Air 2024, 2. dan
29. 5. 2024
Seventh Station
28. 5. 2024
Steelfest Open Air 2024, 1. dan
27. 5. 2024
Seventh Station
27. 5. 2024
Steelfest Open Air 2024: predstavitev
24. 5. 2024
Iz ropotarnice: Gehenna - First Spell (EP)
1. 6. 2024
Magna Racino, Ebreichsdorf, Avstrija
1. 6. 2024
Payale Royale, July Jones
Cvetličarna, Ljubljana
4. 6. 2024
Rats Will Feast, Sociasylum, Smedja in Smetke, TupaTupaTam
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
5. 6. 2024
Hard Charger, Saccage
Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana
6. 6. 2024
Corey Taylor
ŠRC Šalata, Zagreb, Hrvaška
6. 6. 2024
Pomaranča, Metalsteel
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana