23. 5. 2024

Trelldom, kultna norveška black metal zasedba, ki je letos vstala od mrtvih in bo tudi prvič nastopila v živo, je sklenila dogovor o izdaji več dolgometražcev z založbo Prophecy Productions. Prav tako je band okoli kontroverznega frontmana Gaahla (Kristian Eivind Espedal) naznanil, da bo že konec letošnjega leta izšel četrti album, ki bo nasledil zadnjo izdajo Till minne... iz leta 2007.

»It is important to find the right collaboration partners as well as someone who respects and partly understands what we want to convey at all times, which Martin and the people in his company do – art must always come first! Therefore as Trelldom we are very much looking forward to continuing our journey with Prophecy Productions.«

15. 5. 2024

Francoska doom metal zasedba Monolithe sporoča, da je klaviaturist Matthieu Marchand zapustil band. Monolithe so tako trenutno v iskanju zamenjave. Izjava banda ob razhodu s klaviaturistom:

»The band wish to inform you that keyboardist Matthieu Marchand is no longer a member of Monolithe. We wish him success in his other current and future ventures! The band is looking for a new live keyboard player.«

22. 4. 2024

Italijanski black metal projekt Ultio, za katerim stoji Giorgio Barroccu, bo 23. maja pri Brucia Records izdal album Cor, s katerega sta znana že dva od šestih komadov:

The Grey Inferno
A Thousand Times More
Looking For Eyes

21. 3. 2024

Psihedelični temačneži Lares bodo 12. aprila pri Argonauta Records izdali drugi celovečerec z naslovom Et In Arcadia Ego. Kaj pravi zasedba o prihajajoči izdaji, pa lahko preberete spodaj:

»The album is an accidental concept born from the first session we managed to play together after a long and frustrating break necessitated by lockdowns, band members in high risk categories, and mental illness. Without looking for it we found death, isolation, boredom, uncertainty, rage, and an energy that we decided instantly to try to capture and preserve as it was. No additives, no major editing. In the uncertainty of the times, we began to collect recording equipment, slowly transforming our rehearsal space into a recording studio. We developed a ritual of playing and replaying, without click, the whole 27 minutes, until we got better than close to the original, to the perfect simulacra. There is a bonus track included in the album called '10 Hygiea' that is part of the soundtrack of 'Music Appreciation', a short horror movie we collaborated with.«

6. 10. 2023

Heavy/doom metal zasedba Cirith Ungol je objavila besedilni video za skladbo Looking Glass s svojega šestega albuma Dark Parade, ki izide 20. oktobra pri založbi Metal Blade Records.

14. 9. 2023

Heavy/doom metalci Cirith Ungol napovedujejo izid novega albuma Dark Parade. Album naj bi izšel 20. oktobra pri založbi Metal Blade Records in bo zajemal naslednje komade:

Velocity (S.E.P.)
Sailor on the Seas of Fate
Looking Glass
Dark Parade
Distant Shadows
Down Below

28. 6. 2023

Ekstremneži Pestilence sporočajo, da jih je zapustil basist Joost van der Graaf. Zasedba trenutno še išče njegovo zamenjavo, spodaj pa si lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda in Joosta.

»First off: family comes first, always!! Too bad this day had to come, because we were a very solid team and we will surely miss our good friend Joost van der Graaf. We respect his decision to spend more time with his family. Awesome he is offering to fill in from time to time, if needed.

After 3,5 years of great times on the road and in the studio it is now time for me to leave this party. Pestilence is one of my alltime favourite metalbands and it was an honor to be a part of this. I’ll be playing my last shows in September and it sure feels weird…. I will miss this… to the next bassplayer of this legendary machine I would like to say this:
Consider yourself lucky because you’re about to work with some great people and have a great time! Thank you Michiel, Rutger and Patrick for the energy, inspiration and good laughs.
Special thanks to all of you Pestilence fans for the constant support and appreciation.
I am looking forward to spending more time with my family.
Therefore PESTILENCE is looking for a permanent replacement for Joost van der Graaf. Preferably a Dutch based bass player with (touring) experience, a great personality, dedication and understanding of music theory. No plectrum players. Since this is a professional endeavor, the new bass player has to be available to tour and play shows around the globe. We have lots planned for 2024. Who will join the PESTILENCE team?
Please send your email to pazuzu187@hotmail.com


15. 6. 2023

Nemški melodični death metalci Kambrium so se razšli s kitaristom Maximilianom Wernerjem. Zasedba je trenutno v fazi snemanja novega albuma. Spodaj lahko preberete izjavo banda v celoti:

»Dear Kambrium fans, today we would like to contact you with an important announcement. Maxi and Kambrium will now go their separate ways. It was a difficult decision for all of us, but we strongly believe that this is the right step for us to continue to grow and explore new musical paths.

Maxi was a constant part of Kambrium. His talent, commitment, and energy have shaped our music and shows in a significant way and accompanied us on many memorable journeys. We are grateful for the years we spent together and will carry the memories we made together forever in our hearts.

Although Maxi will no longer be part of the band, we want to emphasize that our friendship remains and remains strong. We've been through so much together and been through so many highs and lows together that we're sure our connection goes beyond music. We will continue to stay in touch, support each other and look for new adventures in our respective musical projects. Maybe you'll even see Maxi at our merch stand.

For Kambrium, this change is also a chance to reinvent ourselves. We are already working on the next album and are looking forward to enthralling you with our music in the near future. We are very grateful for your support and hope you’ll join us on this new chapter of our journey.

At this point we would like to thank Maxi again from the bottom of our hearts. You'll always be a part of the Kambrium family and we wish you all the best on your journey ahead.«

11. 5. 2023

Pred časom smo že poročali, da so melodični death metalci The Agonist iz Kanade odpovedali nastop na letošnji ediciji festivala MetalDays. Sedaj pa je iz tabora zasedbe tudi odjeknila vest, da je uradno prenehala z delovanjem. Več si lahko preberete v spodnji izjavi:

Dear friends, it's time to make a very difficult but necessary announcement.
We have decided that The Agonist as a band, has come to an end. Much deliberation and care has been put into making this decision, and unfortunately, given the circumstances, this is the conclusion that makes the most sense for the band and us as individuals.
There are many factors that led to this decision. It is a mix of personal, financial and industry related issues, but in the end the 5 of us are no longer able to agree on a way forward that would benefit The Agonist business as a whole, while respecting each member's personal lives and wishes.
We want to express our deepest gratitude to the fans for coming out to the shows, buying our merch, and supporting us over the years. Nothing is more satisfying than connecting with our fellow human beings via the gift of music. It is the number one factor that has always driven us- to make you, the listener, feel something. In the end, we know that we've accomplished this together.
Some members of the band will continue to work on music in various ways, others will focus on personal projects and family. We kindly ask you to respect their privacy on this particular matter and encourage you to follow them on their individual social media accounts to support their future endeavors.
Vicky Psarakis will be carrying on with her band, Sicksense. They have a new EP coming out this summer and she will be playing 2 live shows with them in Montreal, in June.
You can also directly support her by following her on Patreon and Twitch.
Simon McKay is currently looking to join a new band full-time, while offering session work for studio and live gigs. Also, keep an eye out for new music coming soon from his solo project.
Chris Kells will be focusing on his career as a videographer. Since 2015, he has directed all of The Agonist's music videos, as well as many other established bands.
Danny Marino is currently writing music for 2 new projects.
Pascal "Paco" Jobin will be releasing new music with his project Leading the betrayed.
Our US-based merch store with Sound Escape Agency will remain open. We have also put together an EU-based store for our European fans. Inventory is final and there will be no restocks. Proceeds will go directly to the band to help us pay off our remaining debt.
Once again, we thank you and we love you.
»We will survive. At the end of the tunnel there's always a light.« - The Agonist

24. 1. 2023

Kamelot so objavili napovednik za trinajsti album The Awakening, ki bo 17. marca izšel pri Napalm Records in prinaša naslednje skladbe:

Overture (Intro)
The Great Divide
One More Flag in the Ground
Opus of the Night (Ghost Requiem)
Midsummer’s Eve
The Looking Glass
New Babylon
My Pantheon (Forevermore)
Ephemera (Outro)

11. 1. 2023

Folk black metal zasedba Saor sporoča, da išče nove glasbenike za igranje tradicionalnih oziroma folk glasbil:

»I'm looking to add a folk musician to my live lineup this year. Preferably someone who can play multiple instruments.

Violin, bagpipes, tin whistle, bodhran, shaman/tribal drum, keyboards, backing vocals
 - Play one or more of the instruments listed above
 - Experience playing live shows (clubs, festivals)
 - Familiar with my music and black/folk metal genre
 - Based in Europe or UK

If you are interested, please send an email to saorbooking@gmail.com.

3. 6. 2022

Anthea bodo 26. avugsta izdali drugi album, ki nosi naslov Tales Untold, ki prinaša naslednje skladbe:

Tales Untold
Song for Winter
The Deceiver
Looking Glass
Sunder Heart
In Time (priredba Robbi Rob)

Video za naslovno skladbo je že na voljo.

25. 11. 2021

Ljubitelji bandov, kot so Assuck, Lock Up, Looking For An Answer, Warsore in zgodnji Wormrot, pozor. Italijanska grindcore/death metal trojica One Day in Fukushima bo 3. decembra izdala EP z naslovom Permanence, ki ga že lahko poslušate tukaj. Na EP-ju bodo naslednji komadi:

Tarrant The Intolerant
3 Days
In Enlightened Paths They Walk

29. 10. 2021

Francoski doom metal trio Indigo Raven je konec prejšnjega tedna pri založbi Argonauta Records izdal svoj debitantski album Looking For Transcendence, ki mu lahko prisluhnete na Bandcampu.

Tracklista je sledeča:
Our Sacred Soil
Palin Genesis
Small-Hearted Blind
The White Knight Syndrome
Nightshade Winds
Where Lies Our Heart
Into Dust (priredba Mazzy Star)

24. 9. 2021

Francoska doom metal zasedba Indigo Raven na ogled ponuja videospot za tretji single Where Lies Our Heart z debitantskega albuma Looking For Transcendence, ki bo izšel 22. oktobra pri založbi Argonauta Records. Video je režirala in zmontirala Estelle Vernay.

17. 6. 2024
Igorrr / Sanguisugabogg
14. 6. 2024
Smrt - Barcelona at 9
13. 6. 2024
Matti Riekki - North From Here – The Sentenced Story (knjiga)
13. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
12. 6. 2024
Tool / Night Verses
11. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
11. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
10. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija