9. 8. 2023

Brazilska heavy/power metal zasedba Armored Dawn predstavlja komad Brand New Way, za katero je posnela tudi videospot. Isto ime bo nosil tudi četrti album zasedbe, kdaj pa bo album izšel, pa še ni znano.

8. 8. 2023

Danes nastopajo Midnight in Hellripper v MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica, organizator pa je včeraj objavil to sporočilo:

»Obveščamo vas, da zapiramo prodajo kart za jutrišnji koncert. Za zamudnike imamo na voljo še 20 vstopnic na vratih.

Vse obiskovalce, ki imajo rezervacijo in karte še niso prevzeli, naprošamo, da to storijo pred 20.30, saj bo v nasprotnem primeru šla karta v prodajo.

V primeru, da se koncerta ne morete udeležiti, prosim to spročite preko maila mknz@guest.arnes.si.«

4. 8. 2023

Heavy metal zasedba KK's Priest je posnela videospot za pesem Reap The Whirlwind s prihajajočega ploščka The Sinner Rides Again. Tracklista:

Sons of the Sentinel
Strike of the Viper
Reap the Whirlwind
One More Shot at Glory
Hymn 66
The Sinner Rides Again
Keeper of the Graves
Pledge Your Souls
Wash Away Your Sins

21. 7. 2023

Legendarni shock rocker Alice Cooper predstavlja nov single White Line Frankenstein. Gre za skladbo s prihajajočega albuma Road, pri kateri je z vragolijami na kitari sodeloval Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine). Album Road izide 25. avgusta pri earMUSIC.

21. 7. 2023

Uredništvo Paranoida do 31. julija zapira svoja vrata in se odpravlja v Tolmin na Tolminatorja. Do takrat se bomo javili s kakšnim poročanjem s terena ali morebiti s kakšno reportažo presenečanja, sicer se pa ponovno beremo konec julija, ko bo spet čas za nov prispevek iz rubrike Iz zakladnice.

20. 7. 2023

Hrvaški black metal posebneži Pogavranjen so v začetku meseca pri No Profit Recordings izdali svoj četrti album Ciao!, ki ga lahko v celoti preverite spodaj. Album naj bi vseboval elemente glasbe zasedb, kot sta Faith No More in Oranssi Pazuzu.

11. 7. 2023

Ameriški deathcorovci Carnifex z novim videospotom predstavljajo naslovni komad albuma Necromanteum, ki bo izšel 6. oktobra pri Nuclear Blast in prinaša vsega deset komadov:

Torn in Two
Death's Forgotten Children
Crowned in Everblack
The Pathless Forest
How the Knife Gets Twisted
Architect of Misanthropy
Infinite Night Terror
Bleed More
Heaven and Hell All at Once

5. 7. 2023

Nemški progresivni death metalci Alkaloid sporočajo, da so se razšli s kitaristom Dannyjem Tunkerjem. Spodaj lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda:

»We are sad to announce that Danny Tunker left Alkaloid almost 2 years ago. After going through some profound personal tragedies which had little to do with the band, he decided to adjust course and step away to focus on other endeavours. There was no drama and we all support his decision.

After some time for reflection, we decided to make this new album with the four of us. There was plenty of material as always, and we are delighted to have one of Danny's songs on the album at least. It's one of our more insane tracks, and we look forward to sharing it with you all soon!

Danny will be sorely missed. We remain good friends, wish him the best of luck in his new incarnation, and of course hope to work together again in the future in whatever form.«

3. 7. 2023

Prednaročite lahko Silent Script, drugi plošček ameriške hard rock/metal zasedbe Veritas. Album bo izšel 22. avgusta pri Sliptrick Records in bo zajemal 12 komadov:

Creation Groans
Grind Away
None Enslaved
Betraying Sight
More Than I Can Say
One People

29. 6. 2023

Thrash metalci Annihilator sporočajo, da so do konca posneli prihajajoči dolgometražec. Snemali so ga v Watersound Studios v Združenem kraljestvu, več informacij pa bo znanih kmalu. Spodaj si lahko preberete še izjavo vodje zasedbe Jeffa Watersa:

»Deep, deep into the lush, tropical forests of Durham, UK, lies a studio that... well, basically makes fkn music! I just finished another record yesterday... man, the last 4 years have seen me make 4 records! Yesss... Can't wait for you to hear the 3 you haven't heard. AND 1 more record to do, as well, making it 5 records in 5 years... on a roll, I must say! Then, time to tour and enjoy my latter years! Haha! Work is fun as heck but I will have done my time in HEAVEN/HELL by the end of 2024!

Btw., Annihilator was started Dec 1984... 2024 would be 40 years since I wrote "Crystal Ann" and John Bates and I wrote the first version of 'Alison Hell'.«

Avtor fotografije: Blaž Grünfeld

29. 6. 2023

Vokalist zasedbe Dragonforce Marc Hudson bo izdal svoj prvi solo album. Hudson je podpisal mednarodno pogodbo z Napalm Records, pri kateri bo 25. avgusta izdal prvenec Starbound Stories. Vokalist je že razkril naslovnico, naslove komadov, prvi single Astalive ter postavo, ki je album posnela:

Marc Hudson – vokali, kitara, back vokali
Shaz D – klaviature
Frederic Leclerq – bass, kitara
Rich Smith – bobni

Seznam komadov je naslednji:

As The Twilight Met The Sea
Freedom Heart
Dracula X!
The Siren
Call Of The Martyrs
Starbound Stories
One More Sight Of The Sun With You

Avtorica: Tina Urek
28. 6. 2023

Italijanski power metalci Frozen Crown, ki so marca letos izdali šesti dolgometražec Call Of The North, sporočajo, da so podpisali z založbo Napalm Records. 

»We're happy and honored to join the Napalm Records family and we're ready for our next big step together! Since we founded this band in 2018 we worked hard incessantly, day after day, not only trying to put our best in our studio albums and live, but also managing the band all by ourselves, conquering every single little accomplishment with our DIY attitude, always keeping loyal to our (extremely) small entourage. Thanks to the support of our lovely fans, Frozen Crown eventually grew bigger, and got to a point where we were not able to handle it all by ourselves anymore. At the same time, we knew we needed more firepower to push the band further and bring it to the next level. And speaking of firepower, Napalm Records was just the best record label to start this new chapter with!!! We're excited beyond words to be part of the best metal label in the world, and we can't wait to start working together on our new album, joining forces with this huge team of professionals!«

28. 6. 2023

Ekstremneži Pestilence sporočajo, da jih je zapustil basist Joost van der Graaf. Zasedba trenutno še išče njegovo zamenjavo, spodaj pa si lahko preberete celotno izjavo banda in Joosta.

»First off: family comes first, always!! Too bad this day had to come, because we were a very solid team and we will surely miss our good friend Joost van der Graaf. We respect his decision to spend more time with his family. Awesome he is offering to fill in from time to time, if needed.

After 3,5 years of great times on the road and in the studio it is now time for me to leave this party. Pestilence is one of my alltime favourite metalbands and it was an honor to be a part of this. I’ll be playing my last shows in September and it sure feels weird…. I will miss this… to the next bassplayer of this legendary machine I would like to say this:
Consider yourself lucky because you’re about to work with some great people and have a great time! Thank you Michiel, Rutger and Patrick for the energy, inspiration and good laughs.
Special thanks to all of you Pestilence fans for the constant support and appreciation.
I am looking forward to spending more time with my family.
Therefore PESTILENCE is looking for a permanent replacement for Joost van der Graaf. Preferably a Dutch based bass player with (touring) experience, a great personality, dedication and understanding of music theory. No plectrum players. Since this is a professional endeavor, the new bass player has to be available to tour and play shows around the globe. We have lots planned for 2024. Who will join the PESTILENCE team?
Please send your email to pazuzu187@hotmail.com


6. 6. 2023

Devin Townsend napoveduje izid novega live albuma. Gre za tretji del serije Devolution, ki bo tokrat nosil naslov Empath: Live In America in bo izšel 4. avgusta. Pred izidom lahko prisluhnete komadu Evermore.

6. 6. 2023

Ukrajinci Jinjer pripravljajo material za nov dolgometražec, ki bo nasledil leta 2021 izdan album Wallflowers. To je v nedavnem intervjuju za MoreCore.TV razkril basist Eugene Abdukhanov. Celoten intervju si lahko ogledate spodaj.

17. 6. 2024
Igorrr / Sanguisugabogg
17. 6. 2024
Metal De Facto - Land of the Rising Sun – Part 1
14. 6. 2024
Smrt - Barcelona at 9
13. 6. 2024
Matti Riekki - North From Here – The Sentenced Story (knjiga)
13. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
12. 6. 2024
Tool / Night Verses
11. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
11. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija