7. 12. 2023

Poljski death metalci Decapitated se marca naslednje leto odpravljajo na evropsko turnejo skupaj z zasedbami Incantation, Nervosa in Kassogtha. V sklopu turneje se bo karavana ustavila tudi pri naših južnih sosedih, in sicer bodo bandi 16. marca razgrajali v zagrebškem klubu Močvara. Ostali datumi turneje so na voljo na priloženi sliki.

19. 10. 2023

Metalcore/groove zasedba State Of Deceit je minuli petek izdala svoj sveži celovečerni album Stalked By Daemons, medtem ko je včeraj predstavila videospot za komad Withered, ki je del omenjene izdaje.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
16. 10. 2023

Ameriška deathgrind zasedba Rank and Vile je razkrila podrobnosti svojega dolgometražnega prvenca Worship. Plošček, ki ga lahko prednaročite tukaj, bo izšel na vinilu, kaseti in digitalno 17. novembra in bo prinesel 12 komadov:


10. 10. 2023

Američani Prong so prejšnji petek pri Steamhammer / SPV izdali novi album State Of Emergency, hkrati pa objavili besedilni video za naslovni komad State Of Emergency.

12. 9. 2023

Groove/industrial metalci Prong iz ZDA so izdali single The Descent, za katerega so posneli videospot, ki si ga lahko ogledate spodaj. Američani bodo 6. oktobra pri založbi Steamhammer izdali že svoj 13. studijski album z naslovom State Of Emergency.

7. 9. 2023

Groove metalci State Of Deceit so objavili videospot za svoj nov komad Demi-God, ki se nahaja na prihajajočem albumu Stalked By Daemons. Ta bo izšel 13. oktobra pri Eclipse Records.

Avtorica: Tina Urek
4. 9. 2023

Kalkutski black/death metal dvojec Tetragrammacide predstavlja videospot za komad Nuit Arches Over ... ; Hadit Meditates ... Inside A Tesseract-Ka'aba s prihajajočega albuma Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an, ki bo njihov drugi album po vrsti. Izšel bo 3. novembra pri Iron Bonehead Productions.

31. 8. 2023

Organizatorji festivala Area 53 so kar hitro po končani letošnji ediciji zavihali rokave in že objavili prve potrditve za naslednje leto. Tako so potrjene naslednje zasedbe:

Orden Ogan
Skull Crusher

Festival Area 53 se bo odvijal med 11. in 13. julijem 2024 v avstrijskem mestu Leoben, vstopnice pa so že tudi na voljo.

12. 7. 2023

Žal je odpovedan še en letošnji festival. Tokrat je to doletelo festival Fuck the Commerce 2023, ki bi se moral odvijati 4. in 5. avgusta v Nemčiji. Spodaj lahko preberete uradno izjavo organizatorjev:

»A statement? No, we'll spare you that. We have not reached the necessary pre-sale target and therefore it is not possible to hold the FTC Festival. The time is therefore right to say goodbye. A big thank you goes to Falko, Jörg, Bogo, Jensen, Stephan, the many bands, fellow campaigners, supporters, employees and of course you, our guests, without which the many unforgettable moments would not have been possible.«

29. 6. 2023

Švedski power metalci Prime Creation predstavljajo komad State Dominion s prihajajočega albuma Tell Freedom I Said Hello. Album izide 25. avgusta pri založbi Rock Of Angels Records.

19. 6. 2023

Danski thrasherji Demolizer s komadom Warmonger napovedujejo svoj drugi celovečerni album Post Necrotic Human. Plošček bo izšel 7. julija pri Mighty Music na vinilu in digitalno. Tracklista:

stran A:
Post Necrotic Human
Fascist State
The Butcher

stran B:
Killing A Friend
Day After Day
The Wheel
Capital Punishment

12. 6. 2023

Po lanskem EP-ju The Inevitable Fork vol​.​ 1 bodo ameriški eksperimentalnim metalci Melted Bodies 30. junija izdali njegovega naslednika, EP z naslovom The Inevitable Fork vol​.​ 2. Nedavno je band na voljo za poslušanje ponudil komad State of Mind, sicer pa je celoten seznam pesmi takšen:

The Hot Dog Contract
State of Mind
The Avalanche
Relax, You Are Lazy

18. 5. 2023

Organizatorji legendarnega festivala Bang Your Head sporočajo, da se je ta za vedno poslovil. Več podrobnosti lahko preberete v izjavi organizatorja:

THAT WAS IT! Hello friends, it is with a heavy heart that we are writing these lines. But there is no other way. We really gave and did everything we could to finally catch up with celebrating the big BANG YOU HEAD!!! anniversary in 2023, and eagerly anticipated this summer like no other. But: We alone, unfortunately, did not have control over creating the circumstances needed to set up an event of this caliber with the requirement to quality connected to the name BANG YOUR HEAD!!! and actually make it happen. A lot changed in the past three years and not a lot of it was and is good. All in all, it can and must be said: The whole scene changed, and the preconditions for organizing an open-air event in Balingen are completely different in 2023 than they were in 2019 – also from an economic perspective. All in all, we thus come to the conclusion, even if it is incredibly sad, that there are too many factors and forces working against us, and pushing through to organize an event at any cost would cause more losses for us and others involved than putting an end to it now. And this is how it is now: The BANG YOUR HEAD!!! 2023 can and will NOT take place. Due to the abovementioned reasons which we can’t describe in further detail due to reasons that are hopefully understandable, there is no viable path that we can take responsibility for aside from calling off the big anniversary party in Balingen. We hope for your understanding and thank everybody from the bottom of our hearts that supported us, believed in us, and kept their tickets or even bought new ones. Especially for you we tried everything to finally raise the BANG YOUR HEAD!!! flag again over the Swabian Alb, but it seems like it was not meant to be. And to make sure to avoid any potential misunderstandings: There will be no more BANG YOUR HEAD!!! festivals in the future. This was it. Because we know that many of you waited for the BYH!!! this year with immense anticipation, we intensely tried to come up with a way to marginally make up for the cancellation of the event. So, we had an idea for a ticket exchange to the ROCK OF AGES festival 2023 which you can read up on in the detailed statement on www.bang-your-head.de. Of course, we will also reimburse the purchasing price to everybody who would like to return their tickets – irrespective of which of the past years the tickets for 2023 were purchased. We will inform you about the detailed process shortly through our channels. We want to thank you once again for your support at all 24 festivals and we would be thrilled to greet you as part of the LOYAL ONES in Seebronn on 28th June! Stay heavy! Horst and the BANG YOUR HEAD!!!-Team

10. 5. 2023

Metalcorovci State Of Deceit sporočajo, da so podpisali z založbo Eclipse Records. Plod sodelovanja bo v obliki dolgometražca luč sveta ugledal jeseni. Album z naslovom Stalked by Daemons izide 13. oktobra in bo zajemal naslednje komade:

Endure My Fate
Stalked by Daemons, Guarded by Angels
Hate Within
Mark of the Whale
Suffer Me
At What Cost?
Digital Tattoo

24. 4. 2023

Koncert Toxik in Eruption, ki bi se moral zgoditi 17. maja v Menzi pri Koritu, je odpovedan. Sledi organizatorjeva celotna objava za javnost:

»Žal, koncert odpade. Kupnino vstopnic dobite nazaj pri prodajnem mestu.

'To all the amazing Toxik fans,

It is with sincere regret that we to have to announce the postponement of this May’s “Dis Morta Over Europe” Tour. Our Captain and founder, Josh Christian, is unable to perform due to a setback in his recovery from hand surgery in January. We are hopeful that his recovery continues to progress so we can get back out on the road and bring only the best Toxik show for our fans. All ticket purchases will be refunded at point of sale. We are absolutely devastated, and appreciate all of your support. See you all soon!'«

17. 6. 2024
Igorrr / Sanguisugabogg
14. 6. 2024
Smrt - Barcelona at 9
13. 6. 2024
Matti Riekki - North From Here – The Sentenced Story (knjiga)
13. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
12. 6. 2024
Tool / Night Verses
11. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
11. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
10. 6. 2024
Corey Taylor – Europe 2024
21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj
26. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija