19. 4. 2024

Ameriška rock zasedba Dead Posey je objavila video za skladbo She Went Bad.

18. 4. 2024

Arises, groove metal band iz sosednje Hrvaške, predstavlja live posnetek komada Release the Floods, ki je nastal v studiu Twenty Twenty. Komad lahko najdete na bandovem zadnjem EP-ju Sessions Under A Pale Sun. Posnetek je nastal v sklopu priprave na snemanje novega EP-ja, v živo pa boste Arises lahko ujeli poleti na festivalu Cahn Fest.

3. 4. 2024

Kot smo januarja poročali, je v 78. letu starosti umrl Tony Clarkin, kitarist, ustanovitelj britanskih veteranov Magnum. Že takrat se je šušljalo, da to pomeni tudi konec za zasedbo, ki je to zdaj tudi uradno potrdila. Izjava vokalista Boba Catleyja:

»Hello, everybody. Bob here. All right. I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but I really can't carry on with Tony not here anymore. Please forgive me, and I hope you can understand how I feel. I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
Since we lost Tone, we lost our guiding light, the magnum force behind the band, our songwriter, our producer, our guitar player. He was everything to the band. He was everything to me. For the last 50 years, we never went anywhere without each other. On tour, in the studio, I was at his side constantly, working on stuff with him. I had a wonderful life with Tony. But now it's all too much for me, people. I can't carry on without Tony.
I may pop up in some other shape or form in the near future – you never know – but I can't keep going on like this. It's far too sad; it's all too sad.
So, I hope you understand. You've been fantastic – the best audience ever. You kept this band going year after year, album after album, and we thank you for that.
So, be good. Keep Tony's music in your heart always. I know I will. I will always carry MAGNUM inside me. And I will always have Tony Clarkin beside me wherever I go.
I love you. You've been brilliant. But it's time for me to bow out now. It's my last curtain call, okay? I'll see you sometime. Be good. Cheers. Bye-bye.«

19. 3. 2024

Angleški ekstremneži Cradle Of Filth se potikajo v studiu, kjer pripravljajo material za 14. dolgometražec. Novico je v svojem profilu Instagram razkrila vokalistka in klaviaturistka Zoë M. Federoff:

»I am beyond humbled to have been allowed to contribute vocals and/or keys to many of the songs on this album. Dani and the guys showed a lot of faith in me for my first album with the gang, and I went in extremely nervous and hellbent on making them all proud. Thank God Dani Filth and producer Scott Atkins are so good at calming my nerves! That was the most fun and relaxing studio session I've had in ages!

Fourteen will be something very special, a distinctly new chapter, and it quite satisfies both the musician and the long-time Cradle fan inside me. A piece of each of our souls lives audibly in it. Prepare yourselves, Filthy family!

7. 7. 2023

One man death metal band Sorrow Enthroned iz ZDA je sredi junija izdal single Illicit Infantile Surgical Procedures, ki ga lahko preverite spodaj.

28. 6. 2023

Heavy metal legende W.A.S.P., ki smo jih lahko pred nedavnim ujeli na enem izmed naših odrov, sporočajo, da bo nov album luč sveta ugledal poleti naslednje leto. To je pred kratkim v intervjuju za radijsko oddajo The Five Count radio show potrdil vodja zasedbe Blackie Lawless.

»From the time the U.S. tour ended [last December], we went straight back in the studio and we were working really hard to try to get it ready for August of this year, but it's just not gonna happen. It's one of those kinds of things that… I think we've got a big fish on the hook, and I don't wanna let it go before it's ready. I was talking to the guy that does the mixing for our records yesterday, and he asked me what I thought. And I said the best I could tell him would be spring of next year that we'll be ready for him. So if he starts in the spring, that means the soonest it would be ready would be summer.« 

Avtorica fotografije: Dominika Torkar.

29. 3. 2023

Po tem, ko so pred kratkim turnejo odpovedali White Ward, je ista usoda doletela blackened death metalce 1914 iz Ukrajine. Upamo, da se stvari umirijo in nas bo zasedba lahko obiskala letos poleti na festivalu Črna Loka. Sledi bandova izjava za medije:

»Many of you could have been noticing a recent wave of European tours cancellations by UA bands. Unfortunately, 1914 is not an exception here. With heavy hearts we must inform you that we cannot play for our fans this April and have to cancel our upcoming tour.

Just to make it clear, it is still a 'wartime' on the territory of our land, and this specific time makes it impossible to leave the borders by the men of a conscript age. How could we travel last year? It was possible to get a special permission from the state authorities for the artists to leave the country and do shows and other activities in order to aid the country and spead the truth about unprovoked and brutal war started by russia. There were some irresponsible people who used such permissions to leave the country and never come back, and after it became public and went through a media - the state authorities stopped granting the special permissions for the artists by artificially overcomplicating the process of getting all the necessary documents, by enlarging the list of the documents and making it impossible for bands to obtain what is needed. This affected a lot of different bands in UA.

Last couple of weeks for us were in a constant fight with that new stupid system trying to show that we had a positive experience of returning back home after foreign tours, trying to display the value of such tours for our country benefit, but no matter how hard we tried - we couldn't break that system and it made impossible for us to go and play this time. We want to apologize to our fans, other bands, promoters, but currently we are powerless here. We will work hard to be able to get to our other shows this year, maybe the ice will melt and we will see some easement in the future, but currently we just did everything we could.

Міністерство культури та інформаційної політики України - Thank you for nothing!«

8. 7. 2022

Kalifornijski thrasherji Hatriot bodo 22. jilija izdali četrti album, ki nosi naslov The Vale of Shadows in prinaša naslednje komade:

Horns & Halos
The Hate Inside
Forceful Balance
Verminious and Vile
Clemency Denied
The Twenty Fifth Hour
Only Red Remains
Mark of the Tyrant
Vale of Shadows
Murderous Tranquility
Hymn for the Wicked

8. 6. 2022

The Devil Wears Prada bodo 16. septembra pri založbi Solid State izdali osmi studijski album, naslovljen Color Decay. Zasedba je že razkrila naslove komadov, naslovnico in prvi single Salt.



Avtorica: Tina Urek
3. 3. 2022

Švedski okultni rockerji Ghost pred izidom petega studijskega albuma Impera objavljajo še en single, naslovljen Twenties, za katerega so posneli tudi besedilni video. Album naj bi izšel 11. marca pri založbi Looma Vista.

21. 2. 2022

One man death metal band Sorrow Enthroned iz ZDA je prejšnji teden izdal svoj najnovejši EP z naslovom To Profane the Light of God, ki ga lahko poslušate spodaj.

17. 2. 2022

Trollfest so naznanili, da bo njihov najnovejši studijski album Flamingo Overlord izšel 27. maja pri Napalm Records. Spodaj si lahko ogledate videospot za single Twenty Miles an Hour, sicer pa bodo naslovi sledeči:

Dance Like A Pink Flamingo
All Drinks On Me
Twenty Miles An Hour
The Flamingorilla
Flamingo Libre
Piña Colada
Rule The Country
The Way You Earn Your Drinks
Overlords Have Feelings
Bob Venke

Avtorica: Tina Urek
25. 1. 2022

Ruski enočlanski atmosferični post/black metal band Nebula Orionis predstavlja skladbo Halcyon, tj. drugi single s prihajajočega, po vrsti že osmega studijskega albuma Ephemeral, ki jutri izide pri založbi Pest Productions z naslednjimi komadi:

You Can Handle It
Summer Nights
A New Chapter

13. 10. 2021

Ameriška progresivna heavy metal zasedba Black Sites je pretekli petek izdala nov studijski album z naslovom Untrue, ki mu lahko v celoti prisluhnete na Bandcampu. Album je produciral Sanford Parker (Spirit Adrift, Voivod, Corrections House), medtem ko je bil za mastering zadolžen Brad Boatright (Integrity, Skeletonwitch, Vallenfyre, Ringworm, Midnight).

Tracklista je sledeča:
Sword Of Orion
Call It By Its Name
Lost Tribes
Echo Of A Lie
The Worst Of Us
Nocturne/Everything Went Black
They Eat Their Young
White Ashes

29. 9. 2021

Preko spletne strani Metal Rules lahko premierno prisluhnete novemu singlu The Worst Of Us s prihajajočega albuma ameriške progressive metal zasedbe Black Sites z naslovom Untrue, ki bo luč sveta ugledal 8. oktobra. Za produkcijo je bil zadolžen Sanford Parker (Spirit Adrift, Voivod, Corrections House), medtem ko so mastering zaupali Bradu Boatrightu (Integrity, Skeletonwitch, Vallenfyre, Ringworm, Midnight).

Untrue prinaša naslednje skladbe:
Sword Of Orion
Call It By Its Name
Lost Tribes
Echo Of A Lie
The Worst Of Us
Nocturne/Everything Went Black
They Eat Their Young
White Ashes

14. 6. 2024
Smrt - Barcelona at 9
13. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
13. 6. 2024
Matti Riekki - North From Here – The Sentenced Story (knjiga)
12. 6. 2024
Tool / Night Verses
11. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
11. 6. 2024
Cvinger / Marax
10. 6. 2024
Pomaranča / Metalsteel
10. 6. 2024
Corey Taylor – Europe 2024
16. 6. 2024
Body Count
ŠRC Šalata, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup Show: Brujeria, Smedja in Smetke
Menza pri Koritu, Ljubljana
21. 6. 2024
Heretic Feast 2024
Boogaloo, Zagreb, Hrvaška
21. 6. 2024
Phantasmagoria ('88 - '90 Set + Best Of)
DVA OSAM, Zagreb, Hrvaška
23. 6. 2024
Ernst-Happel-Stadion, Dunaj, Avstrija
25. 6. 2024
Tolminator Warmup: Vader, Biocancer, Warside
TrainStation SubArt, Kranj